All Council business, including correspondence and telephone enquiry calls, should be directed to;
R. Phillip Parry,
Town Clerk and Financial Officer To Caerwys Town Council,
Ty Cornel,
51 St. Michael’s Drive,
CH7 5BS.
Telephone; 01352 – 720547
E-mail: town-clerk@caerwys.com
All enquiries relating to this web site should be directed to;
R. Phillip Parry,
Telephone: 01352 – 720547
E-mail: town-clerk@caerwys.com
No part of this website, including photographs, text, and the Town Council ‘ Coat of Arms ‘ may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means. Unless the prior permission of the Web Master, in consultation with the Council Members of the Caerwys Town Council, has been provided in writing beforehand.
We have taken great care in compiling the information contained in our web pages, which we believe to be accurate at the time of publishing. However, materials and arrangements described here are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change without notice.
By accessing this website, the Council accepts no responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from using this site and any information or material available from it.
Links to other sites from these pages are for information only, and the Council accepts no responsibility or liability for access to, or the material on, any site which is linked from or to this site.